Former Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba recently gave an interview to Ukrainian journalist Ramina Eschakzai, which was published on her YouTube channel on October 22nd. In the interview, Kuleba named four professions that he believes should always receive high salaries.
Kuleba, who served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs from March 2020 to July 2021, has been known for his strong stance on economic and political issues. During the interview, he shared his thoughts on the importance of certain professions and the need for fair compensation for their work.
The first profession mentioned by Kuleba was doctors. He emphasized that in times of crisis, such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, doctors are on the front lines, risking their lives to save others. Kuleba believes that their hard work and dedication should be recognized and reflected in their salaries.
The second profession mentioned by Kuleba was teachers. He praised their role in shaping the future generation and stressed the importance of investing in education. Kuleba believes that teachers should be well-compensated for their efforts in educating and molding young minds.
The third profession named by Kuleba was scientists. He highlighted the crucial role of scientists in advancing society and solving global issues. Kuleba believes that their contributions should be acknowledged and rewarded with high salaries.
Finally, Kuleba mentioned journalists as the fourth profession that deserves high salaries. He acknowledged the vital role of journalists in keeping the public informed and holding those in power accountable. Kuleba believes that journalists should be adequately compensated for their work, as it is essential for a democratic society.
Kuleba’s statements have received widespread support from the Ukrainian public, with many agreeing that these four professions play a crucial role in society and should receive fair compensation for their work. His words have also sparked a discussion on the need for a fair and transparent salary system in Ukraine.
In conclusion, former Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has named doctors, teachers, scientists, and journalists as professions that should always receive high salaries. His statements have shed light on the importance of these professions and sparked a discussion on fair compensation in Ukraine. As a society, it is essential to recognize and value the contributions of these professionals and ensure that they are adequately compensated for their vital work.