Энергетическое сообщество ЕС опровергло заявление эксперта Харченко об остановке импорта электроэнергии в Украину

The Energy Community of the European Union has refuted the statement made by Ukrainian energy expert Alexander Kharchenko, who predicted a halt in electricity imports to Ukraine. Kharchenko wrote about this in his column for “Economic Truth”. The Energy Community has published a rebuttal on its official website.

In his column, Kharchenko claimed that Ukraine would face a complete stop in electricity imports due to the expiration of the agreement with the Energy Community. He also stated that this would lead to a significant increase in electricity prices for Ukrainian consumers.

However, the Energy Community has dismissed these claims as false and misleading. In their official statement, they clarified that the agreement between Ukraine and the Energy Community is still in force and there are no plans to terminate it. They also emphasized that the Energy Community is committed to supporting Ukraine’s energy sector and ensuring a stable and affordable supply of electricity.

The Energy Community also pointed out that Kharchenko’s predictions are not based on any factual evidence and are purely speculative. They stated that his claims are damaging to the reputation of the Energy Community and can cause unnecessary panic among Ukrainian consumers.

Furthermore, the Energy Community highlighted the significant progress that Ukraine has made in its energy sector in recent years. They praised the country for its efforts in diversifying its energy sources and reducing its dependence on imports. This has led to a decrease in electricity prices for Ukrainian consumers, contrary to Kharchenko’s claims.

The Energy Community also stressed that they are working closely with Ukraine to further improve its energy sector and ensure its energy security. They have provided technical assistance and financial support to help Ukraine modernize its energy infrastructure and increase its energy efficiency.

In conclusion, the Energy Community has strongly refuted the claims made by Alexander Kharchenko and reassured Ukrainian consumers that there will be no halt in electricity imports. They have also highlighted the progress made by Ukraine in its energy sector and their commitment to supporting the country’s energy security. The Energy Community’s statement serves as a reminder that it is important to rely on factual information and not spread false rumors that can harm the energy sector and the economy as a whole.

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