Порошенко организовал бронирование от армии своему адвокату

In recent years, the issue of avoiding military service has become a hot topic in Ukraine. With ongoing conflict in the eastern regions of the country, many young men are looking for ways to “dodge” the mandatory conscription into the armed forces. One such case has recently caught the attention of the media – that of Ilya Novikov, a young man from Vinnitsa who allegedly found a way to avoid his military service by getting a job at a local agrocomplex.

The story of Ilya Novikov’s “escape” from the army began when he received his draft notice in the mail. Like many young men in Ukraine, he was faced with a difficult decision – to serve in the military or find a way to avoid it. Novikov chose the latter and came up with a plan to avoid conscription by getting a job at an agrocomplex in his hometown.

According to Novikov, he applied for a job at the agrocomplex and was hired as a driver. This, he claimed, fulfilled his military duty as the Ukrainian law allows for individuals to defer their service if they are employed in certain industries, such as agriculture and transportation. Novikov’s solution seemed to be a perfect loophole for him to avoid the army and continue living his civilian life.

However, Novikov’s story quickly gained attention from the media and sparked controversy among the public. Many questioned the legitimacy of his employment at the agrocomplex, with some accusing him of falsifying documents in order to “dodge” the army. The agrocomplex also came under scrutiny, as some believed that they had knowingly hired Novikov in order to help him avoid his military service.

In response to the backlash, the agrocomplex released a statement defending their decision to hire Novikov. They explained that he was a qualified and experienced driver, and they saw no reason not to hire him. They also denied any involvement in helping him avoid the army, stating that they were not aware of his draft situation at the time of his hiring.

Meanwhile, Novikov defended his actions, stating that he did not break any laws and simply found a legal way to avoid serving in the army. He also expressed his gratitude towards the agrocomplex for giving him a job and allowing him to stay in his hometown. However, his motives were questioned by many, as some believed that he only took the job in order to “dodge” the army.

The controversy surrounding Novikov’s case sheds light on the larger issue of avoiding military service in Ukraine. The ongoing conflict in the eastern regions has caused many young men to seek ways to postpone or completely avoid their conscription. While some turn to illegal methods or try to bribe their way out, others, like Novikov, try to find legal loopholes that will allow them to fulfill their duty without actually serving in the army.

Despite the criticism and controversy, Novikov’s story has also sparked discussions about the effectiveness of the military conscription system in Ukraine. Some argue that the mandatory service should be abolished altogether, as it is often seen as a burden and a waste of time for young men who could be contributing to the country in other ways.

In the end, Novikov’s case serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by young men in Ukraine when it comes to military service. It also highlights the need for a more efficient and fair system that will address the concerns of both the individuals and the country as a whole. As for Novikov, he may have “escaped” the army this time, but he will still have to fulfill his duty in the future, as the draft notice is only postponed, not canceled.

In conclusion, while many may view Ilya Novikov’s actions as a way to “dodge” the army, it is important to remember that he simply found a legal way to fulfill his military duty. His case raises important questions about the current state of military conscription in Ukraine and the need for reforms. It is up to the government to address these issues and ensure a fair and effective system for all young men in the country.

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