“Укрметаллургпром” призвал НКРЭКУ воздержаться от повышения тарифа на передачу электроэнергии

The merger of enterprises “Ukrmetallurgprom” has come out against the planned increase in the tariff for electricity transmission to 665.27 UAH/МWh. If this decision is adopted, the annual expenses of Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises will increase by more than 1.6 billion UAH, which will have a negative impact on their competitiveness in the global markets. This was stated in a letter from “Ukrmetallurgprom” to the head of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities, Yuriy Vlasenko. A copy of the document is available to dsnews.ua.

The letter from “Ukrmetallurgprom” highlights the concerns of the Ukrainian metallurgical industry regarding the proposed increase in the tariff for electricity transmission. The industry is already facing challenges due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the increase in electricity tariffs would only add to their financial burden.

According to the letter, the increase in the tariff would result in an additional 1.6 billion UAH in expenses for the industry, which would have a significant impact on their competitiveness in the global market. This would not only affect the financial stability of the industry but also have a ripple effect on the country’s economy.

The Ukrainian metallurgical industry plays a crucial role in the country’s economy, contributing to the growth of the GDP and providing employment opportunities. However, with the proposed increase in electricity tariffs, the industry would face difficulties in maintaining its operations and remaining competitive in the global market.

The letter also highlights the fact that the increase in electricity tariffs would not only affect the metallurgical industry but also have a domino effect on other sectors such as construction, transport, and agriculture, which rely heavily on the production of steel.

The concerns raised by “Ukrmetallurgprom” are valid and need to be taken into consideration by the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities. The commission should carefully evaluate the impact of the proposed increase in tariffs on the Ukrainian metallurgical industry and the country’s economy as a whole.

Moreover, the letter also suggests that alternative solutions should be explored, such as increasing the efficiency of energy consumption and reducing the cost of electricity production, rather than burdening the industry with higher tariffs.

The Ukrainian metallurgical industry is already facing tough competition in the global market, and any additional financial burden would only make it more challenging for them to remain competitive. The industry needs support and favorable conditions to thrive and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

In conclusion, the concerns raised by “Ukrmetallurgprom” regarding the proposed increase in electricity tariffs are valid and should be taken into consideration by the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities. The industry needs support and favorable conditions to remain competitive in the global market and contribute to the country’s economic growth. Alternative solutions should be explored to ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of the Ukrainian metallurgical industry.

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