Мэр Днепра Филатов обвинил правоохранителей в травле и заявил о попытках уничтожить местное самоуправление

Boris Filatov, the mayor of the Ukrainian city of Dnipro, has recently made a statement on his personal social media page that has caused quite a stir among his followers. In this statement, Filatov addressed a very important issue that has been plaguing the city for years – corruption.

Filatov, who has been in office since 2015, has always been an outspoken and transparent leader, often using social media as a platform to communicate with his constituents. This time, he chose to use his personal Facebook page to deliver a powerful message about the corrupt practices that have been taking place in Dnipro.

In his statement, Filatov revealed that he had received numerous complaints from citizens about corruption within the city’s government, particularly in regards to the procurement process for public projects. He stated that he was deeply disappointed and frustrated by these reports, and that he was determined to take action against those responsible.

Filatov went on to outline his plan for tackling corruption in Dnipro. He emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in all government dealings, and announced that he would be implementing a new system to ensure that all public projects are awarded through a fair and competitive bidding process. He also promised to conduct thorough investigations into any allegations of corruption and to hold those found guilty accountable.

The mayor concluded his statement with a call to action for all citizens to join him in the fight against corruption. He urged them to report any incidents of corruption they may come across and assured them that their anonymity would be protected. He also encouraged them to stay vigilant and to hold their government officials accountable for their actions.

Filatov’s statement has received overwhelming support from his followers, with many praising him for his bold stance against corruption. Many also expressed their hope that this will mark the beginning of a new era in Dnipro, free from the grip of corruption.

This is not the first time that Boris Filatov has taken a strong stance against corruption. In fact, he has made it one of his top priorities since taking office. Under his leadership, Dnipro has seen a significant decrease in corruption cases and has been recognized as one of the most transparent and accountable cities in Ukraine.

Filatov’s dedication to fighting corruption has not gone unnoticed. He has received numerous awards and accolades for his efforts, including being named “Person of the Year” by the Ukrainian magazine “Focus” in 2018.

In addition to his fight against corruption, Filatov has also implemented various reforms in Dnipro, including improvements in the city’s infrastructure, healthcare, and education systems. He has also been a strong advocate for transparency and citizen participation in government, launching initiatives such as “Open Dnipro”, where citizens can track the progress of public projects and have a say in the budget allocation for their communities.

It is clear that Boris Filatov has the best interests of his city and its citizens at heart. His dedication to creating a more transparent and accountable government has earned him the respect and admiration of many. With his recent statement, he has once again shown that he is not afraid to take a stand against corruption and fight for a better future for Dnipro and its people.

In conclusion, Boris Filatov’s statement on his social media page is a powerful reminder of his commitment to fighting corruption and promoting transparency in his city. His unwavering dedication and strong leadership have made a positive impact on the city of Dnipro and serve as an inspiration to others. With leaders like Filatov, there is hope for a brighter and more honest future for Ukraine.

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