На Форуме ЭТМ рассказали о том, как проходит процедура подтверждения продукции в качестве российской

At the 41st ETM Forum, held recently, a conference entitled “Confirmation of Industrial Production in the Territory of the Russian Federation” took place, with Elena Zheltukhina, Vice President of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as a speaker.

The conference focused on the importance of confirming industrial production in Russia, highlighting the benefits and opportunities it provides for both domestic and international businesses. In her speech, Zheltukhina emphasized the significance of this process in promoting the country’s economic growth and development.

The confirmation of industrial production in Russia is a necessary step for businesses operating in the country. It serves as an official confirmation that the production process of a particular product takes place on Russian territory, ensuring that it meets all necessary standards and regulations. This not only strengthens the country’s position in the global market, but also boosts its domestic industry and creates more job opportunities for its citizens.

During the conference, Zheltukhina shared her insights on the current state of industrial production in Russia and its future prospects. She highlighted the efforts made by the government to improve the investment climate and promote the development of domestic production. These efforts have already shown positive results, with an increase in the number of businesses obtaining confirmation for their industrial production in the country.

One of the major benefits of confirming industrial production in Russia is the access it provides to various government support programs and incentives. This includes tax benefits, subsidies, and other financial assistance, which can significantly reduce production costs and make businesses more competitive in the global market.

Furthermore, the confirmation process also ensures that the products meet all necessary quality and safety standards, increasing consumer confidence and trust in Russian-made goods. This is especially important for export-oriented businesses, as it helps them gain a competitive edge in global markets.

During the conference, Zheltukhina also encouraged businesses to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), of which Russia is a member. The EAEU offers a single market for goods, services, capital, and labor, making it easier for businesses to operate and expand within the region.

In her closing remarks, Zheltukhina emphasized the importance of collaboration and partnership between businesses and the government to further promote and develop industrial production in Russia. She also expressed her confidence that with the support and efforts of all stakeholders, the country will continue to see significant growth and success in this sector.

The conference was attended by representatives from various industries, including manufacturing, agriculture, and technology, showcasing the diversity and strength of the Russian industrial sector. It served as a platform for networking, knowledge-sharing, and discussing the latest trends and developments in the industry.

In conclusion, the conference “Confirmation of Industrial Production in the Territory of the Russian Federation” provided valuable insights and information on the current state and future prospects of industrial production in Russia. With the efforts of the government and businesses, the country is on track to further strengthen its position in the global market and promote economic growth and development.

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