«Россети» обеспечили внешнее электроснабжение Ковыктинского месторождения «Газпрома» в Иркутской области

Energy experts have successfully completed the reconstruction of the 500 kV “Ust-Kut” substation and the construction of two transmission lines with a total length of 518 km. This major project, which took several years to complete, will significantly improve the reliability and stability of the power supply in the region.

The “Ust-Kut” substation is one of the largest and most important energy facilities in the Irkutsk region. It plays a crucial role in the transmission of electricity from the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, one of the largest hydroelectric power plants in Russia, to the central and eastern regions of the country. The substation also serves as a key point for the distribution of electricity to the neighboring countries of Mongolia and China.

The reconstruction of the substation was necessary due to the increasing demand for electricity in the region, as well as the aging of the existing equipment. The substation was originally built in the 1960s and had not undergone any major upgrades since then. This led to frequent power outages and disruptions in the supply of electricity to the consumers. The new project was designed to address these issues and to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity to the region.

The reconstruction of the substation began in 2016 and included the replacement of all outdated equipment with modern and more efficient technologies. The project also involved the installation of new transformers, circuit breakers, and control systems, as well as the construction of new buildings and auxiliary facilities. The new equipment has significantly increased the capacity and efficiency of the substation, allowing it to handle a larger amount of electricity and to better regulate the voltage and frequency of the power supply.

In addition to the reconstruction of the substation, two new transmission lines were also built as part of the project. These lines, with a length of 518 km, connect the “Ust-Kut” substation to the neighboring regions of Buryatia and Transbaikalia. This will not only improve the reliability of the power supply in these regions but also create opportunities for the development of new energy projects and the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid.

The construction of the transmission lines was a challenging task due to the difficult terrain and harsh weather conditions in the region. The project team had to overcome many obstacles, including crossing rivers and mountains, to ensure the timely completion of the project. However, with their expertise and dedication, the team was able to successfully complete the project, which will have a significant impact on the energy sector in the region.

The completion of the reconstruction of the “Ust-Kut” substation and the construction of the new transmission lines mark a major milestone in the development of the energy infrastructure in the region. The project has not only improved the reliability and stability of the power supply but also created new opportunities for the growth of the economy and the improvement of the living standards of the local population. It also demonstrates the commitment of the energy sector to modernize and upgrade its facilities to meet the growing energy demands and to promote sustainable development.

In conclusion, the successful reconstruction of the “Ust-Kut” substation and the construction of the new transmission lines are a testament to the expertise and dedication of the energy experts involved in the project. This major achievement will have a lasting impact on the energy sector in the region and will contribute to the development of a more reliable and sustainable energy system.

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