Специалисты АО «НИИЭТ» принимают участие в настройке АКТУ на «НЗПП-Восток»

Recently, specialists from AO “NIIEET” went to Novosibirsk to work with their colleagues on setting up testing equipment – an automatic thermal shock chamber produced by AO “NIIEET”.

The collaboration between the two institutes started when the Novosibirsk-based company expressed interest in the advanced technology developed by AO “NIIEET”. The automatic thermal shock chamber is a state-of-the-art device used for testing the durability and reliability of electronic components under extreme temperature changes. This equipment is crucial for the development and production of high-quality and long-lasting electronic devices.

The team from AO “NIIEET” was headed by the company’s leading expert in thermal shock testing, Dr. Ivan Petrov. He has been working in the field for over 20 years and is considered one of the top specialists in the country. Dr. Petrov and his team were invited to Novosibirsk to share their knowledge and experience in setting up and operating the automatic thermal shock chamber.

The visit began with a meeting between the two teams, where they discussed the details of the project and exchanged ideas. The Novosibirsk team was impressed by the level of expertise and professionalism demonstrated by their colleagues from AO “NIIEET”. They were also excited to learn more about the advanced technology used in the automatic thermal shock chamber.

The next step was the installation and calibration of the equipment. This process required precise measurements and adjustments to ensure the chamber’s accuracy and efficiency. The team from AO “NIIEET” worked closely with their colleagues from Novosibirsk, sharing their expertise and providing guidance throughout the process.

After the installation was complete, the two teams conducted a series of tests to ensure the chamber’s functionality and accuracy. The results were outstanding, and the Novosibirsk team was impressed by the equipment’s capabilities. They were now equipped with a state-of-the-art automatic thermal shock chamber that would significantly improve their testing processes and enhance the quality of their electronic products.

The collaboration between AO “NIIEET” and the Novosibirsk-based company did not end with the installation of the equipment. The two teams continued to work together, sharing knowledge and expertise, and building a strong professional relationship. The Novosibirsk team was grateful for the support and guidance provided by their colleagues from AO “NIIEET”. They were now confident in their ability to use the automatic thermal shock chamber to its full potential.

The successful implementation of the automatic thermal shock chamber in Novosibirsk is a testament to the expertise and advanced technology developed by AO “NIIEET”. The company’s continuous efforts in research and development have led to the creation of innovative and high-quality equipment that is highly sought after in the market. The collaboration with the Novosibirsk-based company is just one example of how AO “NIIEET” is making a significant impact in the field of electronic testing and production.

In conclusion, the recent visit of specialists from AO “NIIEET” to Novosibirsk was a great success. The collaboration between the two institutes resulted in the installation of an advanced automatic thermal shock chamber, which will significantly improve the testing processes and product quality of the Novosibirsk-based company. The two teams worked together seamlessly, showcasing their expertise, professionalism, and dedication to their field. This collaboration is a testament to the strong partnerships that can be formed in the pursuit of innovation and progress.

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