Специалистам Россети-Урал представили современные решения по определению места повреждения ЛЭП

On March 21, a practical seminar on “Modern Solutions for Determining and Locating Damage in 6-35 kV Networks” was held at the Training Center of “MRSC Ural”. The event was organized by the leading energy company in the region, “MRSC Ural”, in collaboration with “Megger”, a global provider of electrical test equipment.

The seminar was attended by specialists and engineers from various energy companies, as well as students from technical universities. The main goal of the event was to introduce participants to the latest technologies and methods for detecting and locating damage in power grids, specifically in the 6-35 kV range. This is a crucial aspect of maintaining reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers.

During the seminar, participants were able to get hands-on experience with the latest equipment and tools from “Megger”. They were also introduced to the company’s innovative software solutions for analyzing and interpreting data from power grids. This allowed them to gain a deeper understanding of the various types of damage that can occur in power grids and the most effective ways to locate them.

One of the highlights of the seminar was a live demonstration of a fault location test using “Megger’s” advanced technology. Participants were able to witness first-hand how quickly and accurately the equipment can detect and pinpoint the location of damage in a power grid. This not only showcased the efficiency of the technology, but also highlighted the importance of using modern solutions in the energy sector.

In addition to practical demonstrations, the seminar also included informative presentations from experts in the field. They shared their knowledge and experience with the participants, providing valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in the energy industry. The seminar also provided an excellent platform for networking and exchanging ideas among professionals in the field.

The seminar received positive feedback from all participants, who appreciated the opportunity to learn about the latest solutions and techniques in the field of damage detection and localization. Many also expressed their gratitude for the practical approach of the seminar, which allowed them to gain hands-on experience and interact with experts in the field.

Overall, the practical seminar on “Modern Solutions for Determining and Locating Damage in 6-35 kV Networks” was a great success. It not only provided valuable knowledge and insights to the participants, but also showcased the commitment of “MRSC Ural” and “Megger” to continuously improve and innovate in the energy sector. Such events play a crucial role in promoting the use of modern solutions and technologies in the industry, ultimately leading to a more reliable and efficient power supply for consumers.

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